Universal Adapter enables your digital customer experience

Is your digital platform offering the experience your customers expect?

Digital Customer Connect powered by the UA allows you to provide an enhanced service far beyond the basic “digital offering”. MSS has worked with Housing Associations across the UK to maximise the services that can be delivered through self-service portals as well as mobile applications. We combine proprietary technology with a willingness to work with multiple software vendors, creating and delivering an integration platform that all can benefit from.

The Universal Adapter supports your choice of software vendors

MSS’s Universal Adapter delivers a solid technical integration platform unconstrained by ties to specific software vendors. Our ethos is to work on your behalf to optimise your potential from current applications or future planned purchases. In working with MSS, you can be confident that the software provider you choose for your digital transformation project will be the one to ensure that your key integrations are achievable.

Our experience:

DC Connect is enabling digital strategy across the UK by enabling customers to:

  • Manage landlord, leaseholder and tenant interactions through single platform allowing  customers to maintain user account data

  • Generate self-service appointed repairs for internal or external contractors

  • Add media files to repairs logging process for customers

  • Provide real-time status updates for live repair jobs

  • Offer digital tenancy sign-up or termination

  • Set up direct debits and provide real-time financial information including rent balance enquiries

  • Initiate full service requests linked to back-office process flows

  • Give access to CRM case management including logging and updating cases such as ASB

  • Publish planned work programs targeted at relevant customers

Unlock your full potential and benefit from:

  • Channel shift and digital by default – both terms which mean the same in essence but are only achieved when the services you offer are accurate and easy to use. The Universal Adapter ensures you provide a stable and functionally rich experience

  • Manage your processes – ensure your processes are compliant with your own guidelines and are completed fully avoiding repeat calls to contact centre

  • Improved productivity – allow the contact centre to use their knowledge and skills to manage the processes that require a more
    human interaction

  • Improve client satisfaction – interact with your clients in a professional informed interface allowing you to enable modern digital transactions when it’s convenient for your clients to do so.

Process Map