All our integration is covered by a comprehensive support package that gives you peace of mind that someone is always on hand to help.

We don’t just support our application but also anything you use it for. People often fear integration because it can be difficult to identify who owns a problem. When you are using our integration software we are there to support you, whatever the problem:

  • Our integration software will trap errors and notify you if something doesn’t look right

  • Our software can automatically create a support ticket on our support system

  • You can contact your assigned technician or a member of our account management team at any time

  • We are happy to investigate any issues on your behalf to identify exactly what went wrong and confirm who should fix it

  • Common issues (eg. invalid data) can be trapped and rejected so information can be resubmitted once it’s been corrected

  • Streamlines customer services teams – no more admin-heavy job roles. Just a team working smarter as it removes the need for duplicated manual data entry

  • Use it across all systems – Universal Adapter can be used across all systems (not just housing management) and they all stream through one place

  • Fully configurable – your IT teams can adapt the software for your needs

  • Comes with ongoing support – including free maintenance and upgrades within an annual, fixed fee.

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