Universal Adapter enables your digital customer experience
Liberate your housing management team
Manifest Software Solutions has an unrivalled track record of mobilising end-to-end business processes with either your existing mobile solution or a new application you may be looking to purchase. The key to our success lies with the flexibility of the Universal Adaptor to provide the integration platform combined with our sector-specific knowledge. We deliver applications that extend your mobile offering beyond a traditional repairs-based application, allowing your team to deliver services on the doorstep which simply have not been possible before without extensive development costs.
Our experience:
Housing teams across the UK are using TM Connect with their existing mobile to:
Pre-populate mobile forms with known data, speeding up tasks and minimising error
Offer mobile tenancy sign-ups including digital signing of tenancy agreements and creation of records within the housing management system
Schedule welcome visits to onboard new tenants and periodic visits to existing tenants, with full records and automatic assignment of data to relevant internal teams
Extend arrears management to the patch including recommendations for actions and arrangements
Undertake mobile tenancy census collection and update person and household data
Access CRM case management including logging and updating cases such as ASB
Review customers’ financial position in the comfort of their own home, including universal credit assessment
Unlock your full potential and benefit from:
Data Entry – Reduce and control data entry, saving time and ensuring data accuracy
Manage your processes – Ensure your processes are compliant with your own guidelines and are fully completed avoiding repeat visits
Improved productivity – no need to return to the office as workload can be allocated for days or even weeks at a time
Improve client satisfaction – Interact with your clients in an informed way with modern digital transactions

Process Map